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Notes from the June council meeting

Our church directories have recently been updated. There are several hard copies at the church if you wish to pick one up. You can also contact Carol Wick to request a copy be sent to you via email. (See email address below.) Please keep us informed as your contact information changes.

This spring First Lutheran Church sent an offering to the Rocky Mountain ELCA Synod for our Benevolence giving. This benevolence is used for supporting the synod’s work beyond the confines of our own church and community. The synod sent us a very gracious thank you for this benevolence gift, and also for our work which has enabled us to continue to worship in challenging times.

HELP NEEDED: First Lutheran is without a lawn mower. We have a wonderful volunteer who is willing to mow for us, but we need a mower. Please reach out to us if you know of someone who would be willing to donate one to the church. Unfortunately, our sprinkler system is not working either. We are investing in an assessment of the system but will need someone with know-how to help us get it up and running. Please spread the word!

Dates and events you might wish to put on your calendar

Sept. 10 Church potluck picnic

Joette has generously volunteered to again host a picnic on her farm up Brush Creek. The tentative date for this is September 10, for a noon potluck. Please mark your calendar.

As a reminder, we hope that whenever you have questions, thoughts to share about the work of our church, or prayer requests you will contact one of your council members:



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